The Road Less Traveled: Alternative Paths in STEM

Have you ever wondered about scientists outside of the academia or industry 🤔 For our second panel – The Road Less Traveled: Alternative Paths in STEM – we have three #PinoyScientists who have pursued their #PSciencePathways in fields like forensics 🦴 economics 📊 and art 🎨

Dr. Matthew C. Go is a forensic anthropologist and archaeologist who applies these fields to medico-legal issues involving human skeletal remains, such as criminal investigations and human rights abuses. Beyond research, he is dedicated to developing forensic anthropology as an area of research and professional practice in the Philippines.
Ms. Tara Alessandra S. Abrina is an environmental economist working with LGUs around the Philippines on environmental policy. She has published papers on coral reef valuation and the Manila Bay Dolomite Beach Reclamation Project, among others. Moreover, she offers classes to marine conservationists as an AIDA international freediving instructor.

Ms. Aissa SP. Domingo is an artist, photographer, and illustrator from the Zoology Division at the National Museum of the Philippines. Since 2010, her works depicting animals, plants, and fossils have been published in local and international scientific journals. With other experts, she led the reconstructive painting of the replica and taxidermy specimen of “Lolong”, a famous giant crocodile.
You can attend #PathwaysToScience to learn more about their journeys! This special event is a free two-part panel discussion to be hosted via Zoom on August 26, 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN (PHT). It’s open to everyone, so make sure to secure your slot by registering at 🧬 We hope to see you there!

This event is in cooperation with:
UP Genetic Researchers and Agricultural Innovators Society
The Chemical Society PLM
Brought to you by:
UP Materials Science Society
Youth Strike 4 Climate Philippines
UP League of Agricultural Chemistry Students
UNILAB Foundation, Inc.
With a special thanks to:
UP Diliman College of Science Student Council
Youth for Mental Health Coalition

(Posters and text from Pinoy Scientists’ Facebook page)

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